Fight COVID-19 in 5 minutes a day!

▸ Identify symptoms
▸ Help prevent infection
▸ Track the impact

Learn more about the study



and counting.

Everyone 18+ years old with an internet connection can participate, whether or not you have been tested for COVID-19!

Our Goals

  • Discover what works to slow the outbreak
  • Identify what symptoms mean you might be infected
  • Find what could lessen the health impact of the pandemic
  • Track what the real effects are on people around the world

We’ll send updates, post maps related to behaviors and symptoms, and let you know what we find as soon as we can.


The research study is run by Jeffrey E. Olgin (MD), Mark J. Pletcher (MD, MPH), and Gregory M. Marcus (MD, MAS) at the University of California San Francisco. Learn more.

The study is hosted on the Eureka Research Platform — designed to conduct medical research developed by researchers at the University of California San Francisco and the National Institutes of Health. You can read more about the details of the study and review the consent to participate in medical research in the app.


  • Self-report your symptoms daily
  • Complete simple surveys
  • You will also have the option to donate your location data to help us determine how location factors into the spread of infection.

Everything can be done remotely on your smartphone from anywhere!

How to Join

Text COVID to 41-411 and we'll reply with a link to download the UCSF Eureka Research app. Use Study Key COVID19. Or, tap this link on your smartphone:

Your data

Data is what powers ground-breaking research that makes the world healthier. Your data will only be shared with the research study team to gain health insights. We will never sell your data or share your identity.

The safety of your data is core to our mission and motivates all of our technical decisions. To learn more read our Privacy Policy.

We can do this together.

Principal Investigators

Jeffrey E. Olgin, MD

Professor of Medicine & Chief of Cardiology, University of California San Francisco

Dr. Olgin is a practicing cardiologist and cardiovascular researcher. He has been involved in leading clinical trials and clinical research for over 20 years. He is one of the Principal Investigator of the Health eHeart Study and one of the creators and Principal Investigator of the Eureka Research Platform.

Mark J. Pletcher, MD, MPH

Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics & Director of Informatics and Research Innovation, UCSF

Dr. Pletcher is a practicing internal medicine physician and an epidemiologist. His research focuses on prevention of cardiovascular disease, how exposure to cardiovascular risk factors like blood pressure and cholesterol during young adulthood may contribute to heart disease later in life, and how to use emerging technology to improve health.

Gregory M. Marcus, MD, MAS

Professor of Medicine & Associate Chief of Research for Cardiology, UCSF

Dr. Marcus is a practicing cardiac electrophysiologist and cardiovascular researcher. His research interests include investigating causes and optimal treatments for abnormal heart rhythms, prevention of stroke, and the influences of common exposures (such as alcohol, caffeine and tobacco exposure) on health.


This study is important to help us discover how COVID-19 is spreading throughout the world, and ways to predict and prevent further infections.

We’ll ask you some questions each day and invite you to participate in OPTIONAL study opportunities, like connecting other apps and smartphone GPS. In the future, we may also ask you to join other studies. We’ll notify you via push notification on your smartphone, email, and/or text message when new survey questions or other study activities are open to you.

Sign up and your first set of surveys will take about 20-25 minutes, and then we’ll ask for about 5-15 more minutes of your time per week.

As with any mode of electronic participation, there is always a small risk of loss of privacy. See our Privacy & Data Security Policy for more information.

By participating, you will help us contribute to a better understanding of COVID-19 and find better ways to predict, prevent, and treat COVID-19.

Contact Us

Feel free to reach out with questions about the study.